We decided to spend the whole Saturday (August 29th) at Maambal Orchard to take deliveries of concrete hollow blocks, the basic building material for the structures we will soon put up. Our simple lunch was pork-chicken adobo, with rice and hard-boiled eggs wrapped in banana leaves, eaten kamayan style.
We brought with us our two mixed-breed Shih Tzus - Magnus and Vanta - so they can start to be familiarized with things at the orchard. The two puppies were delirious with excitement when they saw the ducks and chickens at the place.
Note - please click the photos to enlarge.
Magnus (left) and Vanta (right) enjoy their portable pen which was set up in a grassy area under the shade of a mango tree.
In this visit, I brought with me my Sony RX10 IV, plus a tripod and ball head, so I can capture photos that are a bit better than my earlier ones taken with a phone camera. Too bad, the skies were overcast, resulting into flat colors. Also, there was a strong breeze blowing, and that scared me enough not to fly the Mavic 2 Pro drone. Oh well, there will be a lot of photo opportunities in the coming days, when the sun is shining through clearer skies.
It is not fruiting season for most of the trees, but here are a few ones that managed to yield some.
The most numerous fruit trees in the orchard are guavas.
More guavas.
A very young jackfruit.
Papayas up close. |
A couple of papayas laden with fruits.
Atis (sugar apple).
A sprawling acacia tree dominates the rear portion of the orchard.
Betel nuts, coconuts, atis, mangoes, Bankok santol, guavas, mabolo trees, chico and other plants populate the central portion of the orchard.
This bahay kubo beside the soon-to-be ornamental plant garden provided us some protection when intermittent rains arrived.
With a wide area of lush grassland available just for itself, a pregnant nanny goat takes a rest after eating its fill.
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